Transition Services


Transition Services

Dear Parents and Guardians,

The Transition Team at P53K welcomes you to the new school year! Our team will be focusing on “transition” or planning for adulthood. This process begins in the school when your child turns 12 years old. This continues until your child will graduate from their high school program, or when they turn 21 years old.

The Transition Planning Team is responsible for leading this process. The team will include the student, Parent/Guardian(s), IEP Team, Teachers, Related service providers, Administrators, and Participating agencies (if applicable). The team will work towards creating transition plans that support the students’ goals for adult life. These goals can include community participation, independent living, adult services, vocational education, integrated and/or supported employment and college.

One of the biggest services P53K’s transition team can offer is helping with your child becoming OPWDD eligible, and/or linked to Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR). These two agencies are critical in transition planning because they will help provide the necessary services and programs for your child in the post-secondary years.

While all transitions can be challenging, the transition from high school to life after high school can be particularly overwhelming. As a parent or guardian, your involvement in transition planning is crucial to your child’s success. The P53K transition team will partner with you as we work together to provide your child with essential transition planning!

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the Transition Team Leader, Bradley Camhi with any questions and concerns via email, telephone, or Remind App.

Phone: (718) 333-7500
Remind: Class Code - @93gk27

Bradley Camhi
Transition Team Leader



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